I have only been able to post on Twitter lately. It's just too hard for me right now to sit and write more than 140 characters at a time. If you don't know what's happening please go to my hubby's blog
Beneath the Ginko.Today is day for love & spoiling. We've been doing that since Saturday. Our appointment is at 5:50pm. We will bring Willow home afterwards. Hubby has prepared a spot for her under a redbud. Her collar will join Bianca's hanging in the tree.
We rescued Willow in 2003 when she was a year old and only 75 lbs. For close to 2 years we fed her 12 cups of dog food a day. Now we feed her 8 cups. Hell yes that's a lot of dogfood! Trooper gets 4 cups.
We have loved all our furry children. But Willow is the most people oriented one we have had. Probably because of the neglect the first year of her life. But we've made up for that. And because of that she has been the one that weaseled her way the deepest into our hearts. If she was older as Bianca(Great Pyrenese) was when she passed, then maybe it wouldn't be so unfair but at 6 1/2 she is being cheated. And we are too.
Thank you to for the love that has been shown to us. We feel it, really. Even though I cry every time I read something, each one has helped in the healing. Thank you Absolutely Fiesty for the
blog post. LUMI!