Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Another Joke from Mom!
The body builder takes off his shirt and the blonde says,
He tells her, 'That’s 100 lbs. Of dynamite, baby.' He takes off his pants and the blonde says, The body builder tells her, He then removes his underwear, and the blonde The body builder puts his clothes back on and The blonde replies, "I was afraid to be around
Saturday, March 28, 2009
From Erin in the Real World
Raffle tickets for 2 tix to SNL - $20 for 1, $100 for 6, http://www.gildasclubkc.org/UpcomingEvents.htm
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
News from Venus, no not the planet!

To stay true to my vision, I have recently adjusted my pricing structure so that my clients can continue to enjoy my services without feeling the strain on their finances. I now charge a low service fee plus the cost of groceries. The grocery bill depends on the menu you select. I shop as frugally for you as I do my own family.
It is estimated that a Personal Chef saves you 10 -12 hours a week! I do the menu planning, the grocery shopping, the cooking and the clean up. For many of my clients that convenience is priceless.
In the last few months, I have had many inquires about cooking lessons and interactive cooking classes. In response, I have added both to my list of services. Want to discover the secrets to freezer cooking, explore the frontier of fish, or learn the basics to create your own fantastic meals? I would love to show you how.
Tightening your belt doesn't have to be a literal term. As many of us turn back to the basics, you will discover that cooking from scratch can be less expensive, more nutritious and definitely more delicious than fast food or a quick meal from your grocers freezer.
Eat well, live well!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
How To Get Your KC Wizard Tickets
To get the group discount, go to the link below, enter the promo code,(Please contact me, Spyder, for the code) create an account with an email address and password, then choose the "general admission" seating category. With these tickets, you may sit either on the grass berm (great view of the field) or in the seating sections 100-103 (behind baseball's home plate).
If you have any other questions, let me know.
Each individual will need to enter your personalized promotional code,(Please contact me, Spyder, for the code) , to activate the discount offer. Once the code is entered, your buyer may create an account by entering his or her email address on the right side of the page and building an account. Once they decide on the number of seats needed and pay for them via credit card, they will receive an email with their tickets attached to it. They simply print these tickets out and bring them to CAB on March 21st!
UPDATE: PROMO CODE: KRWIZ Get the $12 tickets. We will sit in seating sections 100-103 (behind baseball's home plate).
Pet Poisons Warning
Top 10 Pet Poisons of 2008
With various dangers lurking in corners and cabinets, the home can be a minefield of poisons for our pets. In 2008, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) in Urbana, IL, handled more than 140,000 cases of pets exposed to toxic substances, many of which included everyday household products. Don’t leave it up to Fido or Fluffy to keep themselves safe. Below is a list of the top ten pet poisons that affected our furry friends in 2008.
Human Medications
For several years, human medications have been number one on the ASPCA’s list of common hazards, and 2008 was no exception. Last year, the ASPCA managed more than 50,000 calls involving prescription and over-the-counter drugs, such as painkillers, cold medications, antidepressants and dietary supplements. Pets often snatch pill vials from counters and nightstands or gobble up medications accidentally dropped on the floor, so it’s essential to keep meds tucked away in hard-to-reach cabinets.
In our effort to battle home invasions of unwelcome pests, we often unwittingly put our pets at risk. In 2008, our toxicologists fielded more than 31,000 calls related to insecticides. One of the most common incidents involved the misuse of flea and tick products—such as applying the wrong topical treatment to the wrong species. Thus, it’s always important to talk to your pet’s veterinarian before beginning any flea and tick control program.
People Food
People food like grapes, raisins, avocado and certain citrus fruit can seriously harm our furry friends, and accounted for more than 15,000 cases in 2008. One of the worst offenders—chocolate—contains large amounts of methylxanthines, which, if ingested in significant amounts, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst, urination, hyperactivity, and in severe cases, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors and seizures.
Last year, the ASPCA received approximately 8,000 calls about pets who had accidentally ingested rat and mouse poisons. Many baits used to attract rodents contain inactive ingredients that are attractive to pets as well. Depending on the type of rodenticide, ingestions can lead to potentially life-threatening problems for pets, including bleeding, seizures and kidney damage.
Veterinary Medications
Even though veterinary medications are intended for pets, they’re often misapplied or improperly dispensed by well-meaning pet parents. In 2008, the ASPCA managed nearly 8,000 cases involving animal-related preparations such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heartworm preventatives, de-wormers, antibiotics, vaccines and nutritional supplements.
Common houseplants were the subject of nearly 8,000 calls to the Animal Poison Control Center in 2008. Varieties such as azalea, rhododendron, sago palm, lilies, kalanchoe and schefflera are often found in homes and can be harmful to pets. Lilies are especially toxic to cats, and can cause life-threatening kidney failure even in small amounts.
Chemical Hazards
In 2008, the Animal Poison Control Center handled approximately 5,500 cases of pet exposure to chemical hazards. A category on the rise, chemical hazards—found in ethylene glycol antifreeze, paint thinner, drain cleaners and pool/spa chemicals—form a substantial danger to pets. Substances in this group can cause gastrointestinal upset, depression, respiratory difficulties and chemical burns.
Household Cleaners
Everybody knows that household cleaning supplies can be toxic to adults and children, but few take precautions to protect their pets from common agents such as bleaches, detergents and disinfectants. Last year, the ASPCA received more than 3,200 calls related to household cleaners. These products, when inhaled by our furry friends, can cause serious gastrointestinal distress and irritation to the respiratory tract.
Heavy Metals
It’s not too much loud music that constitutes our next pet poison offender. Instead, it’s heavy metals such as lead, zinc and mercury, which accounted for more than 3,000 cases of pet poisonings in 2008. Lead is especially pernicious, and pets are exposed to it through many sources, including consumer products, paint chips, linoleum, and lead dust produced when surfaces in older homes are scraped or sanded.
It may keep your grass green, but certain types of fertilizer can cause problems for outdoor cats and dogs. Last year, the ASPCA fielded more than 2,000 calls related to fertilizer exposure. Prevention is really key to avoiding accidental exposure, but if you suspect your pet has ingested something lawn-side, please contact your veterinarian or the Animal Poison Control Center’s 24-hour hotline at (888) 426-4435.
Taken from: ASPCA
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Xander is now out in the big pen with Trooper all day! Yea! We worry that someone might want to steal him as he's so damn cute! But Trooper is guarding so he's safe. We took our time getting Xander & Trooper together to be friends. Trooper didn't like being alone but wasn't excited about Xander. He is pretty tolerate of Xander but does growl at him & put Xander in his place. No bites or stitches! So it's all good. Willow being a year old when we got her & taller than Trooper she wasn't going to be submissive. Xander has no problem with that! LOL! He loves the attention. I've been taking him up to the vet the last 3 Fridays to weigh him. Feb 28th= 45.2 lbs., Mar 6th= 50.2 lbs., Mar13th=54.2 lbs. He's put on 9 lbs in 2 weeks!!! We're feeding him 6 cups a day of large breed puppy food. He's gotten taller & longer too. When he is sleeping we joke that he is growing. He's such a happy guy. Very busy. When he's in the house one of us watches him to make sure he isn't destroying anything else( like hubby glasses) . I had warned hubby to watch him .... Potty training is going well. He is not sleeping in the kennel at night but in the bedroom. He sleeps all night with no accidents! He really has helped us with our grief over losing Willow. We still love & miss her & get choked up talking about her. Tomorrow will be 1 month since we lost her. I think she would have had a lot of fun with Xander.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
I'm planning on getting involved.
Spay & Neuter Kansas City Announces
A local Veterinary Clinic is in need of help right now with over 70 dogs that were rescued from the puppy mill fire that was on the news last week. We are simply passing the word and helping them seek some volunteer assistance. If you can find anytime to help them, they would be extremely grateful. Please see email below and directly contact them if you can help. 816-353-3666 - Please Call This Number and ask for Gina.
From Raytown Animal Hospital
We are working with a rescue group call Midwest Paws. They have rescued 70 German Short Hair Pointers from the puppy mill that was set on fire last week in southwestern Missouri! We are housing ALL 70 at our tiny shelter!
We are looking for people that can help out by VOLUNTEERING.
anytime is great however mornings are desperately needed so far this week there has been only 1 (me) -2 people from 7-9am to start the days out
walk dogs
Clean cages
Help organize
Answer phones
Greet people coming in
Help take in donations
Help to socialize the dogs (and cats)
Play with dogs
Transport dogs
Help deliver donated items that people are unable to deliver themselves (we have a dishwasher that was donated and 3 pallets of food that all need to be picked up by tomorrow evening!)
Dog food
Dog toys
Dog treats
Dog beds, blankets old (or new) towels
Poop scooper's
mop buckets
mop heads
scrub brushes
hospital strength disinfectant (A lot of!)
Spray bottles
post it's
file folders
all office supplies
trash bags
TOWELS, towels and more towels
And so much more!
GINA AT 816-304-6465 OR 816-353-3666
10312 E 63rd St
Raytown, MO. 64133
Thank you so very much for reading this!!
Gina Higgins
Raytown Animal Hospital Adoption Center
Veterinary Technician/Adoption Coordinator
KC Wizard Opening Day Blogger/Twitter Gathering
They are willing to set up:
" I'll set up a group manager and get it sent to you so everyone who buys tickets is in the same section. It will have a promo/discount code attached, so you'll be able to buy the tickets at the cheaper price."
Also, some kind of social thing before the game. I need a minimum of 15 people.
Please let me know.
UPDATE: $12 for the cheapest group rate tickets