Monday, December 18, 2006


Today was a sucky day. Home sick with a bad cold. Did get to finish reading The Book of Bright Ideas by Sandra Kring. Got a call from my buddy at work who said he put his notice in. Yup! My work husband is divorcing me. I'm heartbroken. I have to say that he is one of the nicest, caring, hard working person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Some people don't know him the way I do. When you work 7 years with someone as close as we did you can't help it. Some may see a quiet man. I know him as a music lover. Under that quiet exterior is a rocking soul. Thank you Jim for introducing me to the music of Bob, Jeff, Norm, and last but not least John. And when I've had a song stuck in my head I could always pass it on to him. (Du du du, looking out my back door) He is also been my cohort in my love for gadgets. He is very dangerous to my checkbook. I have to truthfully say I have never been mad at this person, not once. There are two men in my life ( Papa & mon oncle Omer) that I compare all men to. Jim, you're right up there. I can't say enough about how much I love & respect you. Good thing our spouses understand. I'll close now as I have to go get some Kleenex.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Good news, bad news.

My new log bed arrived. It's huge. I'm curious to see if we can move it without out feet touching the floor. That test will have to wait as we won't set it up for about a week & a half. It's unfinished so we will put at least 3 coats of sealer on it. We are redoing the bedroom in northwoods style. I'm going to get one of my photos of Lake Kipawa (in Quebec, Canada) blown up to 2'x3' for the wall. We'll also replace the Chinese lantern light in the room & paint the room. I also ordered a new bedspread. Bad news: $$ & painting labor.

Just discovered a shit load of pod cast that relate to knitting & such. Bad news: shit load to down load.

Planning a party in January for my 50th birthday. Bad news: $, cleaning house, turning 50. Well, actually I'm quite proud that I'm turning 50. I don't think I look it (even with the gray in my hair). And I certainly don't act it. Now there are days that I feel it.

Found out that I like Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum with diet Coke. Bad news: need to get another bottle before the weekend.